This time IEMS 2022 brings the theme “Strengthening the autonomous ecosystem”.
Jakarta, Autos.id – Indonesia Electric Motor Show (IEMS) 2022, initiated by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), was officially opened by Indonesian Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Wednesday (28/9/2022), accompanied by a BRIN research professor and IEMS initiator Eniya Listiani Dewi, deputy for development policy at BRIN Mego Pinandito, special staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sripeni Inten Cahyani and other guests .
The Minister of Transport appreciated the National Agency for Research on Innovation (BRIN) and the car manufacturers who organized this activity. “I appreciate the researchers and manufacturers who are actively doing business. That means we have moved into the electric vehicle stage,” he said in his keynote address.
At the third implementation of the IEMS, BRIN wants to invite different parties to be part of the ecosystem that will encourage innovation and growth in the autonomous vehicle (AV) sector, according to the theme “Strengthening the autonomous ecosystem”.
IEMS is BRIN’s effort to accelerate the national electric vehicle program. IEMS 2022 which is a special exhibition of the ecosystem and infrastructure of electric vehicles that showcases various technological innovations of electric motor vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, charging stations, batteries for electric vehicles and other supporting sectors that will represent the achievements of the domestic auto industry.
Earlier, the head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko said, IEMS 2022 is an event to disseminate information on the ecosystem of electric vehicles, including the role of research and innovation in economic and social development.
“IEMS 2022 is a form of BRIN support with stakeholders and electric vehicle manufacturers in Indonesia to inform the development of the latest innovations in electric vehicles in Indonesia,” Handoko said.
IEMS is a place to expand networks with KBLBB researchers and decision makers. Experts will also share knowledge and knowledge through seminars and talk shows.
IEMS 2022 is supported by the Ministry of Coordination for Maritime Affairs and Investments, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transport, National Energy Council (DEN), PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT PLN (Persero).
There were also around 50 exhibitors who attended this exhibition, namely PT Gading Putera Samudera (Moderntec), PT PLN (Persero), PT Volta Indonesia Semesta, PT Nissan Motor Distributor Indonesia, PT Qualis Indonesia, Indonesian Motor Association ( IMI), PT SGMW Sales Indonesia (Wuling Motors), PT Indonesia Battery Corporation, PT Davigo Artha Luas, PT Dharma Polimetal Tbk, PT Astra Honda Motor, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, BASF, PT Exelly Elektrik Indonesia (Evcuzz) , PT Artas Rakata Indonesia, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, PT Selis Retail Indonesia, PT Terang Dunia Internusa (United E-Motor), PT EMS Technology, Elbike Garage, PT INKA (Persero), Phylion Battery, Cosmic, PT PLN, Arjuna UGM , Beelli. com (PT Mars Blokchain Teknologi), SMK 3 Mataram, Dyvolt Vehicle, PT Omni Cahaya Revolution, PT Bando Indonesia, PT Tri Energi Berkarya, PT Bambang Djaja, Hongfa Lectroacoustic (Hongkong) Co., Ltd, PT Powerindo Prima Perkasa, PT Quantel Indonesia, ITS Automotive STP, PT Hioki Electric Instrument, PT In International Chemical Industry (ABC Lithium), Garuda Mobility, PT Anugerah Nirmana, PT Senzo Fein Metal (ORBIT), PT Mobilindo Nusa Persada, PT EVCBU International Universal, PT Braja Elektrik Motor , PT Energi Bethari Indonesia, UMG Idealab Indonesia, PT CIMB Niaga Auto Finance and Budi Luhur University.